Friday, May 20, 2016


It's officially the last day of school for seniors. Today was my last day of high school forever! I'm feeling happy/sad, why should I choose? I'm going to miss all my friends. And I even made some new friends this year which is so tough because I wish I had known them before. I'm also sad to be leaving my friends of four years because I made some really great and amazing ones, who I'm honestly not ready to leave yet. I feel like I haven't had enough time and now we're going our own separate ways.

Thursday, May 19, 2016


heres a link to a video on the admissions page of my school. Its from the 2014 college move in day. In all honestly I'm really excited for this day, to finally be able to move into college is what everyone thinks about the minute you start senior year.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Admissions page

Here's a link to my schools admissions page.
I really like the way the page is set up, it's clean and organized. It makes it easy to navigate and get the answered you need without giving you a lot of troubles.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Major requirement

here is a link to the required classes I need to talk in order to major in education

I'm actually really excited to take some of these classes, they all seem so interesting.

Monday, May 16, 2016

schools almost over

Biggest struggle in high school

My biggest struggle in high school was probably struggling with math. I hate math always have and always will, and even though I try really hard to get good grades, sometime your best isn't good enough. For me personally I try extremely hard to get good grades and it's a disappointment when I don't don't but you have to just accept that things aren't always going to go the way you want them too and that's okay.

Friday, May 13, 2016

The play

Yesterday was opening night for hc hawk drama society. I guess you can say it wasn't just "one normal night" as part of the cast (ancestor) I can say it was a blast. It ended up being a lot better than I could've ever imagine.  I'm so proud of all the cast members who have become like a second family. All the late nights and stressful mornings really paid off. One down, three more to go.